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Pray Around the World

We keep in mind today those on the front-lines of the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.

Pastor Edward whose wife just had surgery – pray for health and healing and the funds to pay for the operation.

Pastor Michael as he heads up ministry to disabled children – pray for funding and direction, clarity, peace and great joy for all.

Evangelist Nicholas who has a team ready for evangelism – pray for a way to coordinate their heart and efforts with a van and sound equipment.

Pastor Daniel whose heart is for all the surrounding villages to know Christ – pray for relationships that bear fruit.

Evangelist Patrick who is investing in the lives of children in a remote village with a school and now an orphanage – pray for solid encouragement and provision over all the work of his hands.

Pastor Ravindra who is investing in the lives of orphans – pray for provision as well as others who will invest in the work.

Pastor Timothy who travels to outlying villages weekly, bringing the gospel and helping the people with letter writing and other tangible helps – pray for continued strength for himself and his family and for breakthrough in the hearts of the people.

Pastor Philip who is with his family trekking into the back villages bringing the love of God – pray that they are protected from malaria and that the good news settles into peoples hearts.

Pastor Michael who oversees many churches and holds the task of training and development – pray that the good things happening there continue and multiply.

Pastor Daniel who ministers to congregations thirsty for the word of God – pray that Bibles get to him and the people there, that he and fellow pastors would be encouraged today.

School director Geoffrey who selflessly serves over 200 children with education and food daily – pray for funding and for sponsors and for wisdom as they carry on.

Pastor Elizabeth and her husband John as their hearts pour into their community, supporting orphans and establishing a school in an area still struggling with Aids – pray for their hearts and the work of their hands, that continual steady progress and forward movement is attained.

Evangelist Caliph who pours his life out for his people – pray for continued strengthening and vision for he and his wife.

Pastor Irene as she declares freedoms over her own congregation and the many who seek out the Lord through her – pray for her church building to be finished and for the plans for an orphanage and school to take hold and come into being.

Evangelist Innocent as he travels and shares the gospel – pray for the anointing on him to increase and for many to come to Jesus Christ.

Pastor Steven and his wife as they lead both a church and a school – pray that their influence would grow and that the mentor-ship that they provide would bless many.

Lay-leader Joshua as he grows and develops both people and the gospel through business – pray the Lord’s blessing over him and continued expansion of the Lord through his heart and service.

Pastor Charagh as he ministers in hard circumstances – pray for the church to grow and prosper and to be covered by the blood of Christ, hidden in him.

These leaders (and more that I have not listed here) are literally giving their lives away for the gospel of Jesus Christ, in service to hearts and lives around them.

They come from Uganda, India, Mozambique, Myanmar, Kenya, Pakistan, Burundi, Rwanda, Ghana, and Tanzania.

Choose one today, to hold before the Lord on a continual basis in prayer and fasting.

“Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.” Philippians 4:6-7 The Message

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