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The Covering of Jesus in Snapshot Mode

Technically speaking, in terms of the legality, Jesus coming to earth was in service to our freedom and salvation, our covering from the impact of satan’s authority in this earth.

In Jesus we can begin to experience the Kingdom of God come to earth that Jesus foretold but also initiated in. While there is a future distant complete reality to the Kingdom of God on earth, there is opportunity to begin experiencing God’s kingdom even now.

We do this as we, first, accept the covering of Jesus, and second, as we increasingly align ourselves to the heart of God and his ways and manner.

We must remember that the original plan was for our blessing and favour and grand experience of life alongside the giver of life. The covering of Jesus was the only reality there was prior to sin entering the world and our lives.

Jesus’ primary job was to reestablish what had been lost and to bring us from the death assignments of the enemy and into the life expectations of God.

Yet, sometimes, we have this view of God that he is just waiting to smote us when we do bad and that he hates us. We forget that sin is it’s own punishment. Sin reaps death and destruction and chaos in our lives and communities and nations. When we take ourselves, by our sin, outside of God’s heart we open ourselves to bad things happening.

Now, I am not saying that all bad things happening are a direct result of our sin. There are certainly bad things happening simply because we are living in a fallen and broken world. Even Jesus himself made the distinction that at times bad things happen not by man’s direct sin, read John 9:1-3, but rather for evidence of God’s glory being shown.

But sometimes, we are in fact out from under the covering of Jesus Christ, and when this happens we will experience bad fruit in our lives. This diagram, therefore, seeks to show some of the subtle yet critical distinctions for those who are walking with God, to remind us of our hearts intentions and of the undercurrents in our Christian walk that just might be undermining and removing us from the covering of Christ.

From my observation of leaders and pastors within the body of Christ, these are the most prevalent sins that in fact remove us from the covering of Christ. We might take a look at these and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to us if we have any habits of thinking and leading that are not under the covering of Christ.



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