Fasting Unto the Lord

P1290233 compressedThis is the fasting that God wants: Free those who are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you.

Let the oppressed go free, and remove the chains that bind people. Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless.

Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help.

Then your salvation will come like the dawn, and your wounds will quickly heal. Your godliness will lead you forward, and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind.

Then you will call, the Lord will quickly answer, ‘Yes, I am here,’ he will quickly reply.

Remove the heavy yoke of oppression. Stop pointing your finger and spreading vicious rumors! Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble.

Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.

The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength.

You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.

Some of you will rebuild the deserted ruins of your cities.

Then you will be known as a rebuilder of walls and a restorer of homes.

Isaiah 58:6-12

Come and See

Jesus Christ SavesThis is a reminder to those living in the greater Vancouver area that tomorrow we are having our Capturing Courage Tea, Story & Prayer gathering.

At 2pm – 4pm, Sunday April 21st, we are gathering to share and pray for God’s heart around the world.

It’s been about six months since our last event, and there have been a lot of things going on in that time – Come and get caught up.

Our last few weeks at Capturing Courage have carried some sorrow and loss – Come and honor with us.

The investments are increasing, relationships are expanding, growth is slowly yet steadily taking hold – Come and celebrate with us.

A trip is in the wings, we are praying and planning – come and look ahead with us.

  • Sunday, April 21
  • 2-4 pm
  • 10082 160St
  • Surrey

“Then they were on the road. They preached with joyful urgency that life could be radically different; right and left they sent the demons packing; they brought wellness to the sick, anointing their bodies, healing their spirits.” Mark 6:12-13 The Message – And the task we are about

Capturing Courage Stories & Prayer from around the World

You are Invited - April 21st

The Gospel in Chairs

Today I share a video that is fresh out, and that I happened across a few weeks ago.

Take the time and watch the whole way through. I’m pretty sure you will be blessed.

Go in the grace and love of God today!

Capturing God’s Heart – Scandalous Love – Volume 21

God’s ways are not our ways.

It takes many years to really come to understand the heart of God.

Even though we have been given the Bible (God’s love letter to mankind), we tend to read the Bible through our own cultures, the lies and hurts that have been laid on us through the years as well as our own developmental process.

So our understanding of God’s ways are often inaccurate. We grow and move in understanding God in the same way we grow and understand ourselves and life.

When Jesus was on earth he met and spoke to people within their current understanding of life. God is still doing this today in and through and for all of us.

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Thoughts – Taking One Day at a Time

Cyndy's Latest Book

“The first time I met Cyndy I knew there was something special about her; she has a graceful presence that emanates her love of God and humanity.   Every morning for the past year I have eagerly checked my email to be inspired by the “thought of the day” and I am simply delighted that they are available for all in print form.

This book is an outpouring of what is close to her heart: not just a collection of her daily thoughts but a series of careful meditations within the soul. Each page presents an encouraging and insightful glimpse into Cyndy’s personal journey of discovery. Many of these ideas are forward-thinking and challenge the very nature of our lifestyle. With life’s ever increasing speed, these thoughts act as a gentle prompt for us to dedicate time just to think. It is in these rare moments of processing that we often realize what matters most to us, and then recognize that we’ve been completely preoccupied with something less important.

I have known Cyndy for a few years now, and every time we meet she just makes me want to be a better person. After reading this book, I’m sure you will feel the same.”

Lynn Matson,  Consultant


P1120124 compressedContext is everything.

One thing said in one instance is a completely different thing said the same way but in another context.

We hear words and we stop there. But there is so much more going on and a very large part of communication is taking into account the context.

Without context we make all sorts of fatal errors of judgment.

Context changes the application, it changes the presentation, and it changes the response.

Context does not change truth but it does bring to bear a heavy weight or responsibility upon that truth, a responsibility to present truth within the context by which others find themselves.

Speaking is about context. Listening is about context.

This past week I am struck afresh about how within the context of Jesus Christ all things are changed.

Our conversations about sin and sorrow have been completely changed in context of Jesus Christ.

For if we really got it, REALLY GOT IT, that Love covers over a multitude of sins, might not our condemnations and our judgments be completely put to rest?

Wouldn’t our experiences of joy and delight take on incredible depths and proportions in context of Jesus Christ, if we really got him?

Titus 1:15 says, “To the pure, all things are pure.”

Context. What is the context of your vision, your understanding and your perspectives?

Just this one verse alone challenges our thinking and our paradigms. For within the Christian community there is much ranting and raving about all the bad and wrong in the world. It is not hard to find multiple condemnations and forceful judgments coming out of the mouths of those who claim to know God.

But those things, the attitudes of our hearts that hate everyone and everything, is not the heart of God. Our hearts are not very pure when our focus only sees the bad and the wrong.

‘To the pure, all things are pure.’

It never hurts to truly challenge ourselves in regards to our hearts and the context from which we are living.

After all, our lives depend on it.

Chosen from Birth

making life countWhat has been the cry of your heart for as long as you can remember?

It is in the quiet of the day that we are reminded of such. In the hustle and the bustle we cannot find the screaming whispers of our hearts. But in the quiet…

Perhaps that is why we (as a society at large) are afraid of silence.

For the longings and the passions cannot be ignored in the silence; we are brought face to face with ourselves. It’s not always an easy thing.

For what if ‘yourself’ wanted to feed the orphans in Romania?

What if ‘yourself’ longed to teach English in China?

If ‘yourself’ dreamed of traveling indigenous villages of Africa…

What would then be required of you? How do we respond to ‘ourselves’?

Any of these things (and all the myriad of options) require that we organize our life around these very same things. They demand no less.

And whether it is social justice kind of work or whether it is exploring the stars and the cosmos like you’ve always wanted, perhaps inventing a new shoe that increases circulation and well-being even while we walk, maybe its…

You fill in the blank.

It doesn’t matter what it is, for what it is for you and me is so incredibly unique that we dare not compare ourselves; whatever it is, do it because it is a part of you.

Life, real living, demands that we take notice and give voice to the deepest longings of our beings; your job for you, my job for me, each job for each.

And whether it is moving across town, across the continent, across nations, or whether it is changing jobs, the willingness to orient our lives around this hard inner pull marks the satisfied.

The dreams and desires and whispers of longing that come out in the silent moments, they deserve to be listened to.

Learn to honor yourself, the deepest core of you. It will surely change your life in some way. And this is exactly the starting place. If you can make changes in your life for you, then you can make changes in your life for others.

If you can respond to your own hearts longings, you can respond to the heart longings of others.

We have all been charged with the mandate to have dominion over our lives. To choose and to act and to express, to articulate by word and deed, the beauty placed deep within.

The key to the will of God in our lives, is found in the silent places. The longing, the dream, the whispered desires…

Those things, those things, are the will of God for you. Those things we are given by God’s own hand and heart. And it is now your turn to take hold of them, to take hold of yourself, and give breath to the seeds of life and of purpose that are within.

They are already there. We needn’t go looking anywhere. We must simply look inside… and get r-e-a-l quiet.

Like waiting on wildlife in the forest, dreams and visions and longings are as skittish as wild rabbits.

To get to know them, we must be quiet.

How might you build some quiet into your life today?

Capturing God’s Heart – Women – Volume 12

It is pressing upon me to today take a look at what the Bible says about women. There is much assumed and categorized when it comes to women. Much that is not in line with the heart of God, and while there is not time or space to look at everything we might discuss about women, we will look at a just a couple of thoughts today.

The Bible begins with the creation of the world, (and as John and Stasi Eldredge brought to our attention in their book, Captivating), we see that creation begins with wide swaths. Like a giant brush painting a large picture, a grand work of art, the first strokes lay out the background and the vistas of creation; light and dark, land and sea and sky.

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Make You Feel My Love

Love that TransformsI’ve been taken by Sam Kelly’s rendition of Make You Feel My Love. Watching closely we see the impact of his heart and words on the judges and those in the audience.

It is a beautiful thing to witness how his sincere rendition of this song cuts through the veneers and polish of our lives (could you feel it too?), to the heart of our matters.

Here are the lyrics:

“When the rain
Is blowing in your face
And the whole world
Is on your case
I could offer you
A warm embrace
To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows
And the stars appear
And there is no – one there
To dry your tears
I could hold you
For a million years
To make you feel my love

I know you
Haven’t made
Your mind up yet
But I would never
Do you wrong
I’ve known it
From the moment
That we met
No doubt in my mind
Where you belong

I’d go hungry
I’d go black and blue
I’d go crawling
Down the avenue
Know there’s nothing
That I wouldn’t do
To make you feel my love

I could make you happy
Make your dreams come true
Nothing that I wouldn’t do
Go to the ends
Of the Earth for you
To make you feel my love, To make you feel my love”

This – in a nutshell – is the heart of God for every single one of us.

It’s for you and me.

The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is right here, embodied in this song, and in the manner of depth and heart by which this young man who sings it.

“For God so loved the world”

Listen Again

And let it soak in,

God’s love song to you

Difficulty, Joy, Trust

Time for IntrospectionI take the time every morning in introspection and prayer. Quieting my heart and mind, centering my runaway emotions and fears and confusions, finding that inexplicable peace from God that quite simply puts a welcome sign on each day.

Today I am meditating on three words: Difficulty, Joy, Trust

Those three, all together like that.

Difficulty Joy Trust


Like they are meant to go together, meant to inspire the other and as though each would be incomplete on their own.

Now, the Joy and the Trust we like, it is the Difficulty that often gets us and that we shy away from.

Today though, I completely get it, really feel it in my gut, that ‘Yes!’, these three are bosom buddies.

Of course!

“Welcome DifficultyJoyTrust, thank-you for gracing my life.”

Throughout the years we have our fair share of difficulty. You have, I have, we all have.

There is not anything any one of us have gone through that there hasn’t been someone else who has gone through the same.

Troubles abound

And yet…

In the midst of difficulties the very fibers of our stamina is increased, the muscles of our hearts are strengthened, the capacity for breath in our lungs is expanded.

Difficulty paves the way for Joy to be that much sweeter,

For Trust to be so very real;

Intangible realities that are in fact the very foundation of our lives, and that once we have none can take away.

I’ve had my own difficulties – things that today I wouldn’t wish away if I could.

I’ve been through times of severe deprivation where I was starving myself so my kids could eat, times where I was dependent on donations of clothes for my kids, and where I didn’t know how I was going to pay my bills.

I’ve been through rape and sexual abuse, and the process of processing all of that. Of getting in touch with all that is not right, of standing my ground and saying ‘no more’. Of hard heart work and journey’s through inner cauldrons of hate and bitterness and despair.

I’ve been through loss upon loss. The normal losses and deaths of Grandparents, and then the not-so-normal losses of a brother when I was young and of a grand-daughter just last year.

I’ve been through a tough marriage, full of addiction and dysfunction and abuse. I’ve known the loss of dreams and the loss of love. Rejected and dismissed time and again, from numerous sources …

I’ve found that life goes on.

And that for all these, because of these difficulties I am stronger and wiser and equipped for great works.

The preparation of difficulties cannot be underestimated,

Neither discounted or wished away.

Difficulties are in fact grand opportunities to use inner strengths we didn’t know we have, to find God’s strength we didn’t know was available to us, and to become the kind of people we’ve always wanted to be.

This is the Key: It is in the giving over and the relinquishing of every single thing we have held so dear and thought so very important, we find Joy.

When life by virtue of difficulty removes from our beings the ‘shoulds’,

You know what I am talking about, the ‘that should be this way’,  ‘you should do such and such’, ‘they should yada-yada’, ‘we should…’

When every ‘should’ is pressed free from our lives and language and expectations,

Joy floods in as a gentle warm bath, permeating every layer, it is simply there.

When it arrived we cannot tell,

It was somewhere in the midst of the difficulty.

Joy doesn’t come when every thing is easy. It comes in difficulty.

Trust too, is the same.

Trust grows as we are broken.

When life throws something at us that tests us to the core, demanding of us to relinquish our very life as we know it,

Then trust really takes root. And we will never be the same

Glory be to God.

“Welcome DifficultyJoyTrust, thank-you for gracing our lives.”

May we simply do right by you.